Monday, February 26, 2007
Dear Mr. Alan Greenspan
Since I do not know your email address maybe someone will see my BLOG and send its URL to you. Imagine my surprise at seeing a warning from you this morning. "Greenspan Warns of Likely U.S. Recession, Monday, February 26, 8:34am ET". This article also ran in China "HONG KONG (AP) -- Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Monday that the American economy might slip into recession by year's end". I was surprised because I had sent out on Sunday, February 25, my 8th Newsletter on just this subject. However, I did not hedge and say that the economy "might slip into recession by year's end". There is a new evolving science "Kerry Theory" that can not only tell us that an recession is imminent, but also the cause (which cannot be changed, with our present government) and the timing. The recession will begin in May 2007. Are you interested?
Best regards,